Dieting may help you to lose weight fast within short period of time. However, it maybe harmful to your body due to nutrient deficiencies. Long-term …

Looking for Acne safe recipe? Here is the 500 kcal Barramundi Lentil with Salad
This 500 kcal meal is perfect for you if you want to have a happy skin and lose fat at the same time! Let’s see …

Lack of sleep can worsen acne? 4 reasons why sleep is related to skin health
If you are not sleeping enough, the chances of getting acne increase due to some factors such as stress, hormone changes, depression & anxiety etc. …

Acne safe #3 – 500 kcal meal Pork patty with salad
Let’s try this tasty & simple 500 kcal meal this weekend! Instruction: cut potatoes into fries, season with salt and pepper. Spray avocado oil in …

Can resistant starch help with weight loss?
Resistant starch resists digestion in the small intestine which has similar characteristics of both soluble and insoluble fibre [1] Compare to starch foods (1g = 4kcal), …

8 types of people shouldn’t do Intermittent fasting!
WHY are they not suitable for doing IF? 1. People with eating disorders This group should have a regular eating behaviour, therefore it is not …